Peace Potentials

Cornelia Brinkmann provides the following comprehensive
services > consultation > training > expert reports > monitoring
> evaluation

These services are directed toward
>planners > decision-makers > project leaders > peace experts > NGO staff members 

Who work for
> development agencies > peace services > humanitarian assistance programs > religious organizations > partnership and exchange programs, such as youth programs and municipal partnerships
> foundations > private enterprise 

For more than 20 years, Cornelia Brinkmann has been involved in NGO efforts to promote peace. Her expertise includes:
> consultations for the development of concepts and programs
> consultations for the implementation of peace- and conflict-sensitive projects and activities (Do No Harm) > targeted training seminars for project developers, project leaders, and peace experts > peace and conflict impact assessments (PCIA) > the coaching and debriefing of peace experts > expert reports, monitoring, and evaluation 

> M.A. in Education > Marketing Trainer > Organisational Development
> International Training in Peace Building 


Selected Projects
> co-created the South East Europe Program as member of the Board of Directors for the Forum Civil Peace Service > established the ‘zivik’ project of ‘ifa’ as project co-ordinator, in cooperation with the German Foreign Office > overseas training programs in peaceful conflict management for a number of organisations e.g. Afghanaid, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Heinrich Boell Foundation, Oxfam
> ‘Governance and Peace Building Project’ in Afghanistan, German Development Service (DED)


Link List

Concepts for Peaceful Conflict Management

Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR)
International research, consultation and training center in the field of peaceful conflict management for international, governmental and non-governmental organisations (NGOs): training program in different topics, summer university, publications, a wonderful exhibition about peace and conflict management, very extensive library.

Berghof Forschungszentrum
Study centre with strong links to fieldwork with the goal of developing concepts of peaceful conflict management and conflict transformation: research, political consultation, expert meetings, library, publications and a very informative website including running discussions, for example: Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation

Collaborative for Development (CDA)
Practical organisation for consultation, theoretical reflection and research about conflict-sensitive projects in the context of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Well-known are the key words „Local Capacities for Peace“, „Reflecting on Peace Practice“ and “Steps Forward Conflict Prevention”. Book from Mary B. Anderson: Do No Harm, How Aid Can Support Peace – or War, ISBN 1-55587-834-2

Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst
Initiator and lobby organisation for the Civilian Peace Service: conceptual development, strategic consultation, training (Academy for Conflict Transformation) and public relations work. A broad link list covering the Civilian Peace Service is available.

German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
The Program Crisis Prevention and Conflict Transformation developed different documents for specific countries and selected topics: instruments, conflict analyses, conflict impact assessments, country- and sector-strategies in crisis prevention, conflict resolution and peace development. Actual information are available by the SPICE-newsletter. Much information is available on the website by using the search word “crisis prevention”.


Peacebuilding in the Field


Center for Peacebuilding <Kompetenzzentrum Friedensförderung, KOFF>
KOFF is a project of swisspeace: political consultation, exchange of experiences, publications and information sharing between governmental and non-governmental organisations in Switzerland. Many topics and discussions are general and for that reason also interesting for others in other countries. The KOFF-newsletter on regular basis is available free. The newsletter summarises information and discussions and give advice to follow up on a topic.

European Network for Civil Peace Services (EN.CPS)
Umbrella organisation of European peace organisations for the Civil Peace Service in Brussels: political consultation, information sharing, networking.

European Peacebuilding Liasion Office (EPLO)
Platform of European organisation in the field of Peaceful Conflict Management and peacebuilding: political consultation on the European level, sharing of information and experiences.

Konsortium Ziviler Friedensdienst
Umbrella organisation of all organisations in the field of Civil Peace Service in Germany: conceptual development, exchance of experiences, political consultation.

Plattform Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung
German network of organisations and individuals in the field of Peaceful Conflict Management: exchange between experts, public events, political consultation, broad exchange of experience by a very up-to-date website and a e-newsletter on regular basis. Here you will find entry points for important and current topics and actors in the field of Peaceful Conflict Management in Germany. On the website you will also find many documents in English.

Zivik is a project of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations financed by the German Foreign Office. Zivik offers helpful and well prepared information for NGO projects in the field of Peaceful Conflict Management: consultation, financial support for projects, publications and events.
The handbook “Von der Antragstellung zur Projektabrechnung- aus einer Hand” <From project application to the final report> offers excellent information for planning, implementation and evaluation of NGO projects. On the zivik-website many helpful information, formulas and lists are available in English, for those getting German funds.


Training Institutes

Academy for Conflict Transformation
The academy offers training for the Civilian Peace Service and comparable working fields from 2-day workshop up to 4-month courses, events and the conceptual development of trainings in the field of Peaceful Conflict Management.

Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR)
International research, consultation and training center in the field of Peaceful Conflict Management for international, governmental and non-governmental organisations (NGOs): training program on various topics, summer university, publications.

Institute for Peace Education
Very broad educational material for peace education for youth and adults. Many documents are also available in English.

Responding to Conflict (RTC)
RTC offers international trainings in peacebuilding for staff in non-governmental, government and international organisations including staff from crisis areas.
Training handbook: Simon Fisher: Working with Conflict, ISBN 1-85649-836-0

Center for International Peace Operations <Zentrum für internationale Friedenseinsätze, ZIF>
ZIF offers trainings to prepare for international missions, recruitment for missions and consultation, analysis and lessons learned from international missions.


Peacebuilding Projects

Peace Counts Project
Peace Counts is a peace journalism project, initiated by the journalist Michael Gleich. In cooperation with other respected journalists and photographers he wrote very impressive reports from crisis areas about projects and personalities in peacework and Peaceful Conflict Management. You will find many reports and photos on the website. A CD-Rom is available by the Institute for Peace Education. The book “Die Friedensmacher” <The Peace Makers> (ISBN 3-446-40312-4) written by Petra Gerster and Michael Gleich gives an impressive inside view of selected peacebuilding projects all over the world.

People Building Peace
People Building Peace is a summary of reports and stories to show how civil society in crisis areas can contribute to peacebuilding. The stories are structured along different topics, countries or organisations. The website is a contribution to the campaign „Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict“. It aims at making the role of civil society in peacebuilding more visible.



Cornelia Brinkmann
Westfalenring 8c
12207 Berlin, Germany
Tel 0049-(0)30-75519811

Cornelia Brinkmann 

Anna B. Design
Erkelenzdamm 11-13
10999 Berlin, Germany  

Note on Liability
Despite careful control of contents we do not accept liability for the contents of external links. Exclusive responsibility for the contents of linked sites lies with the respective operator.



Training for Peace
Administration and Controlling of CPS-Projects: Know-how and tools for everyday peace work
10th – 14th April 2007,

–> pdf

An Berliner Schulen im Rahmen des Berliner Friedenslaufes über den Zivilen Friedensdienst in Afghanistan berichten.

Akademie für Konflikttransformation
Alltag der Projektpraxis
Tipps und Tricks zur Ausführung eines Projektes, Büroarbeit rationalisieren, Projekte im schwierigen Umfeld effektiv verwalten

24.09. – 25.09.2007 (DE)
10.12. – 11.12.2007 (EN)

-> pdf

Diskussionsveranstaltung der IALANA und des RAV  

Freitag, den 15. Februar 2008 19.00 Uhr

Wen schützt die Bundeswehr in Afghanistan? –  Welche Rolle können/müssen zivile Konfliktlösungsstrategien im Friedensprozess in Afghanistan spielen? 

-> pdf

Friedensförderung in Afghanistan

In einem Artikel von Cornelia Brinkmann wird die Entwicklung eines "Peacebuilding Mastertraining" zur Fortbildung afghanischer Peacebuilding TrainerInnen beschrieben. ift-news des Institutes für Friedenspädagogik Tübingen, August 2008, S.7ff

-> pdf

"Steps for Peace"

Das Trainingshandbuch für Peacebuilding in Afghanistan liegt in englisch vor. Es ist übersetzt in Dari, dazu gibt es vier Poster.

-> pdf

"Kann Mediation in asymmetrischen Beziehungen gelingen?"

Für die Zeitschrift perspektive mediation 2008/4 wurden die Erfahrungen mit Konfliktbearbeitung auf lokaler Ebene in Afghanistan aufgearbeitet.

-> pdf Artikel
pdf Literaturverzeichnis

"Friedenserziehung in Afghanistan"
Beitrag für Friedenspädagogische Tagung "Aufwachsen zwischen Unsicherheit und Hoffnung" der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedenspädagogik im November 2008 in München

-> pdf
alle Beiträge der Tagung

Trainingskompetenzen von Friedensfachkräften: Training of Trainer in Peacebuilding 2010

-> pdf

Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement zwischen westlicher Moderne und afghanischer Tradition, Beitrag für Tagung "Vorrang für Zivil! Neue deutsche Strategie für Afghanistan?" in Loccum

-> pdf


Zivil-militärische Zusammenarbeit in Afghanistan
In der Zeitschrift „Wissenschaft & Frieden" erschienen von Cornelia Brinkmann und Wolf-Dieter Narr zwei Diskussionsbeiträge mit unterschiedlichen Standpunkten, siehe „Gleichzeitig getrennt und vereint in Afghanistan?"

-> pdf
